I've started early on my Dad's birthday present which is in August (I have come to the conclusion that men have large feet and this is not a good thing for a knitter with a short attention span). He's been bugging me for a pair of socks since I made Mom a pair for her birthday. He even went so far as to buy me needles to put in my stocking for Christmas. Now mind you he didn't buy my favorite needles and I will probably never use them since they are only 4 not 5 double pointed needles. But really it is the thought that counts and the fact he went into a knitting store.
And last but not least I'm making a pair of socks for myself if the second one ever gets finshed let alone the first. The yarn is Lorna's Laces which I have wanted to try for a long time so when I found some I bought it without a project in mind. Recently Chapters delivered my copy of "Knitting Vintage Socks" by Nancy Bush and I really liked this pattern and it screamed out for the yarn I had stashed away. I am really enjoying knitting this sock so far so I may get lucky and have a pair of socks.
I've recently started reading they Yarn Harlot's blog (I know, I know I am behind the times with these things; it's the same with online banking etc). I also bought her book "Knitting Rules" and am finding myself trying to stop myself from giggling out-loud on the subway, which is very hard to do I must say.
1 comment:
Beautiful soft things!! More posts please!! :P
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