Just so my little sister knows, I have evidence that I have been working on your Christmas present (now that I have the pattern again); here it is:
These were finished awhile ago and are just being posted now. They are my own sock pattern as well as being my first attempt at toe up socks and short row heels. Oh and they are made from lovely yummy Koigu!
Now for those of you that I have not pointed this out to, can you tell how I tried to combat SSS (second-sock syndrome)? Look really closely:
Five points for the person who figures it out excluding those of you that I pointed it out to. I know who you are (or at least I think I do). Maybe I'll keep up a tally of points and eventually give something knitting related to the person with the most points.
I signed up to join the Ravelry.com community a while ago and recently got the invite. I had completely forgot about it. It is pretty cool. It is suppose to help you keep track of your projects (finished and in progress) and stash. There is also the community aspect in the form of groups to join and forums to chat in. I recently added my entire collection of stashed Koigu into the stash tracker. It will take awhile before I even get half my stash on there. Anyway here is a picture of all the Koigu I have secreted away:
And no it is not a lot of yarn (to me) and no I can never have enough of it. Stop looking at me like that. You never know when that truly horrible day well come when yarn is no longer available (gasp). One must be prepared! That and you don't always want to have to run the yarn store just so you can start a project.
I also have a lace scarf (0r small shawl depending on how you use it) on the needles. But lace never looks very pretty until it is blocked so you can wait for an in progress shot, I'm sure. I also finished a shrug (pretty quick knit that one). It will be a picture in a later posting.
In other news Tequi has a few flight feathers that grew in after his last trim that have not gone under the scissors due to the not going outside because it's too cold for a species from Africa, and as a result he's been doing a little flying. He is exceedingly proud of the fact he can fly (though not very well, but getting better) and that is how he ended up here:
Til next time.....
Yay, my sweater's back on the go! It looks lovely, but it's still a mystery to me as to what the finished product will look like. Love the colour, it reminds me of the blackberry mead bubbling in the workshop. I'm taking my handmade pledge this year - buying and making homemade for christmas presents. Here's to being crafty!
Hurrrrray............you wrote here! Well, not here, but on your blog! LOVE the shot of Tequi!
Keep on knitting!
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