Mel and I took our annual trip to the K-W Knitters Fair held by the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitter Guild. We arrived late since we take the VIA train up there (next year we will be taking a car and will be getting there early). We paid and went in and thought we were going to be okay. The room didn't seem as crowded as last year and thought we would have enough time to thoroughly check out all the goods. Well one of the organizers overheard us and said "oh I overheard you and thought I should let you know that there is a second ballroom full of vendors." If you only could see the look of sheer panic on our faces! There was way too much to see and not enough time to go through everything, hence our resolve to drive up and get there early next year!
I managed to stay within budget (which sadly wasn't very large). I am starting a jar to put cash in throughout the year and whatever is in it will be spent at the Knitter's Fair.
Here is the list of spoils:
A kit for a shrug with malabrigo yarn from Spun Fibre Arts. I cast it on immediately (even before we got on the train to go home). We talked with the designer who let us try on the samples. I didn't want to take off the one made with malabrigo. I could have lived in it. Mel liked the black one better. The yarn was silk and merino and has more drape than malabrigo. We will be taking a picture of the two of us together in them when they are completed. This is what I have done so far. Yes this is the project that the cashmere sweater was cast aside for. If you knew what malabrigo felt like you would understand. That and it is a quick knit.
Here is some free advertising for those vendors that gave reuseable bags to carry your stuff in instead of plastic!
.........too bad we cannot actually feel the yarn! The computer experts need to work on that! I am sorry I missed out on the fun...........Mom
Wow, you are so going to be finished that before I even start!!!
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